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This is a 23"x23"x1" Watercolor with each layer of the mandala cut out in watercolor paper & painted giving it a unique 3D effect. unframed


174 Hz is the Solfeggio Frequency for Earthly Karma, and the energy that can assist one in releasing karmic debts that no longer serve us. This frequency will re-arrange energy and perception, creating a stable foundation for the acceleration and evolution of consciousness.

Karma refers to actions and their inevitable consequences, whether spiritual, mental, or physical. If we speak in anger we will provoke an angry response. But if we generate loving thoughts, we will facilitate greater connection. We need to heal negative emotional habits within, in order to free ourselves of destructive patterns and align us with heart consciousness.


If you are outside the USA mainland contact me for shipping info before ordering.

Solfeggio Mandala 174Hz, Releasing/Completing Karma

Excluding Sales Tax
  • frequencies prepare us for the work ahead; reminder that we're all in this together and that we have chosen to be in this earthly plane at this time; assist us in becoming more grounded, because we have a journey ahead of us as we seek to become conscious and help with the awakening.


    Angels = Color = Frequency = Sacred Geometry = Solfeggio = Light Language

  • Canvas Prints may take an additional week for delivery.

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Sacred Art with a Conscious Heart by Susan Walter Art LLC., All rights reserved. Copyright © 1997-2024

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