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Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker? Remember we are adjusting to the higher vibrations engulfing our solar system leading up to ascension. This is pushing old patterns and beliefs to the surface creating disorientation and even a sense of loss as we find our new place.


Plans are changing mid-stream and going in a completely different directions. Breaking us out of our 'rut' shifting our vibration which creates new choices. Finding peace through the situation is the test you have set for yourself. This is the journey of healing as you become who you set out to be when this journey through the 3D began.

Solfeggio Mandala 495Hz, Finding Peace

PriceFrom $15.00
Excluding Sales Tax
  • Sirius Solfeggio Frequencies in combiation with Mandalas is a powerful tool to awake our consciousess, activate DNA ad prepare the body for reawakeig of the heart conection. Activate the cells with geometric pattering that heightes your interconnectivity to carry more iformatio, light and energy. Every cell becomes a protal. As this happes corrections ad adjstmets in the electrical fields ad meridias that have bee out of attunemet occur, ad the whole body benefits as it alighs with the new paradigm.

    Angels = Color = Frequency = Sacred Geometry = Solfeggio = Light Language

  • Prints are High-Quality Photo Prints and are Limited Edition only 250 will be printed.

    It can take up to 2 weeks for delivery for prints as I use a print on demand service.

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Sacred Art with a Conscious Heart by Susan Walter Art LLC., All rights reserved. Copyright © 1997-2024

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