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True communication is communion, the realization of oneness the true expression of unconditional love.

We live in a time when the communication of information is one of the technological wonders of
man. But communication of between humans is lagging far behind, and we are more isolated and solitary than ever. The news brings us the global information so effectively, we know much more about what is happening ten thousand miles away than we do about what is going on inside the heart and the spirit of our family and friends.

The greatest struggles in life arise because of the inability to communicate, to commune (listen) with ourselves. Meditation is the way to learn to communicate with oneself, to fullness of being. To live a life enriched by meditation, whoever we choose to be. Meditation is a tool to discovering oneself, our own being and potential, our unique value and path to service. The ultimate purpose of meditation is communion
with our oneness with the All. The path is a path of simplicity achieved through silence. In the deep silence that each of us must discover in our own hearts, the mystery is revealed simply because we pay attention to it.

Solfeggio Mandala 975Hz, Communion with Oneness

PriceFrom $15.00
Excluding Sales Tax
  • The Divine Solfeggio Frequencies take you to a place to a deeper connection with the divine, and with yourself, allow us to unshackle ourselves from the frailties we experience in our human form. The Divine Solfeggios are tools to get beyond the physical and truly delve into our spiritual natures. For to know the divine you must know yourself to know yourself you must know the divine.

    Angels = Color = Frequency = Sacred Geometry = Solfeggio = Light Language

  • Prints are High-Quality Photo Prints and are Limited Edition only 250 will be printed.

    It can take up to 2 weeks for delivery for prints as I use a print on demand service.

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Sacred Art with a Conscious Heart by Susan Walter Art LLC., All rights reserved. Copyright © 1997-2024

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