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The God Code by Gregg Braden

The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden

Letters to a Starseed by Rebecca Campbell

The Three Waves of Volunteers by Dolores Cannon

The Archangel Guide to Ascension by Diana Cooper & Tim Whild

The New Chakra System by Cyndi Dale

The Spiritual Power of Empathy by Cyndi Dale

Elegant Empowerment: Evolution of Consciousness by Peggy Dubro

Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

The Code Journey Insights on 2024 by Jesse An Nichols George

E Squared by Pam Grout

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

The Solfeggio Tones by Roberta Ruth Hill

The Book of 528 by Leonard G Horowitz

Big Book of Reiki Symbols by Mark Hosak & Walter Lubeck

Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena & Vibration by Hans Jenny

Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith

The Power of Sound by Joshua Leeds

Return of the Divine Sophia by Tricia McCannon

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. 1 & 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek

How the World is Made by John Michell with Allan Brown

All Love, Sekhem-Seichim Reiki by Diane Ruth Shewmaker

The Star-Borne by Solara

Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue

The Ascension Mysteries by David Wilcock (skip to page 250)

Confident Empath by Suzanne Worthley


Book about Angels

The Ancient Tradition of Angels by Normandi Ellis

The Book of Angel - The Hidden Secrets by Kaya & Christine Muller

Angels - Companions in Magick by Silver RavenWolf

Encyclopedia of Angels by Richard Webster


Books about Stones:

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall

Love is in the Earth by Melody

The Crystalline Transmission Vol. 1,2 & 3 by Katrina Raphaell


Other Favorite Authors

Jessie E Ayani

Dolores Cannon

Lee Carroll

Andrew Collins

Barbara Hand Clow

Ralph Ellis

Laurence Gardner

Robert Edward Grant

William Henry

Drunvalo Melchizedek


YouTube Channels

Full Spectrum Universe

Journey to Truth

Leak Project

Portal to Ascension

Spirit Science now SpiritVerse


Astrologers I listen to

Joseph P Anthony

Pam Gregory



Schumann Resonance Tracker

Suspicious Observers



528 Love Tuner - LoveTuner

Ascension Glossary - Ascension Glossary

Conscious Awakening Network (CAN) -

Essential Oils - Plant Therapy

Gaia TV -

Gold Grid Plates - Hearts for Love

Kev Thompson Solfeggio Music -

Mt. Rose Herb -

Numerology -

PDF Books (free) -

Pendulums -

Portal to Ascension - PTA

Ramon Grace - Dowsing - Dowsing Chart

Toroidal (torus) Amulets - Holos Amulets

Tensor Technology - Twisted Sage


Karmic Release Prayer


Apps for listening to Frequencies

Samsung - Solfeggio Frequencies Meditation

Iphone - Sonic Pitch Sound Generator

Stay in the know, events, most recent work, frequencies to support the energy of the week and more...

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Sacred Art with a Conscious Heart by Susan Walter Art LLC., All rights reserved. Copyright © 1997-2024

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